Family Planning

Adopted January 1966 – Revised April 2017 – Deemed Relevant February 2022 – Family Engagement Commission

California State PTA believes there should be equal access to family planning guidance and services regardless of the economic or geographic circumstances of any family or individual. PTA further believes persons seeking family planning should be able to receive those services compatible with their beliefs and needs.

According to the United Nations, access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right and is central to gender equality, women’s empowerment and poverty reduction. Family planning services are defined as “educational, comprehensive medical or social activities that enable individuals, including minors, to determine freely the number and spacing of their children and to select the means by which this may be achieved”.

Therefore, PTA supports equal access to family planning guidance and services because of its importance to the health and welfare of parents and children and for the economic security of the family.

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