Check Request System

The Payment Authorization/Request for Reimbursement form is a combination of two forms: Payment Authorization and Request for Reimbursement. The Payment Authorization/Request for Reimbursement should include the following information: date, check number, payee, amount to be paid, and budget line item(s), with the signatures of the secretary and the president authorizing the payment, following association approval. Receipts must be attached.

Budget approval is not authority for the expenditure of funds except as stated in the bylaws. The committee chairman must first present plans that include a detailed budget to the executive board for approval. The executive board has the authority to authorize association bills within the limits of the budget adopted by the association. All monies/payments must be within the approved budget and either preapproved (funds released) by the association at an association meeting or ratified by the association at the next association meeting. To release funds for any activity, a motion must be adopted at an association meeting. “I move to release up to $600 for the fall festival. Budget category: fall festival.” The treasurer should provide a budget-to-actual comparison report to the executive board at least quarterly with the variance on all released funds.

After authorization by the executive board or the association, the presentation of a fully supported Payment Authorization/Request for Reimbursement Form permits the treasurer to write checks. An authorization for payment must be signed by the president and secretary. It is not necessary to wait until the next association meeting to reimburse monies.

Persons authorized to purchase items for the PTA, for which the expense will be reimbursed, may request an advance in an amount not to exceed estimated expenses. The advance must first be approved by the executive board. (Request for Advance)

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