
Revised January 2011 – Community Concerns

PTA activities in citizenship are designed to provide information and inspiration, to help members engage as citizens. By reminding members of their privileges and responsibilities and involving them in community projects, PTA makes an important contribution to the democratic way of life.

Recommended Actions

Urge the display, proper use of, and respect for the American flag in homes, schools, and communities.

Recite the Pledge of Allegiance at each meeting. Arrange for short, inspirational, patriotic messages or music when the flag is presented.

Encourage special programs in conjunction with the observance of patriotic holidays.

Cooperate with established organizations working for good citizenship training.

Invite youth participation at PTA meetings, recruit leaders, and sponsor groups when indicated (Community Organizations, Co-sponsorship, and Coalitions).

Arrange for community recognition ceremonies of newly naturalized citizens.


Stress the importance of voting in all elections. Cooperate with other community groups in registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns.

Encourage student participation in the election process.

Emphasize the need for all citizens to know election laws, including registration requirements.

Get involved with school-bond and ballot-measure campaigns that will improve schools, following California State PTA procedures (See Election Campaigns).

Host candidates forums.

Government Participation

Make information available on how individuals may participate in government, and encourage them to do so.

Promote projects for the study of local, county, state, and national governments.

Encourage attendance at meetings of boards of education, commissions, city councils, and county supervisors, and ask those who attend to report on issues of concern to the PTA.

Encourage the appointment of youth to city and county commissions.

Organize letter-writing campaigns to support legislation that benefits children, youth, and families.


American Legion (
California Department of Education (
California Legislative Analyst (for analysis of ballot measures) (
California Secretary of State (
California State Library (
Constitutional Rights Foundation (
County Registrar of Voters
League of Women Voters of California (
Local United Nations Association
Rock the Vote (
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (
Youth Vote Coalition (
Youth group leaders
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