Classroom Learning

How we prepare students today for tomorrow’s world has changed. With the implementation of new standards for all students, called Common Core State Standards (CCSS), learning in class will look different for your child from kindergarten to high school.

The new standards mean deeper, richer, more relevant instruction for your child with:

  • Clearly defined learning goals for each grade level that build from year to year
  • A focus on key knowledge and skills, including communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity

These academic standards are important because they help ensure that all students, no matter where they live, are prepared for success in college and the workforce. They also help set clear and consistent expectations for students, parents and teachers; build your child’s knowledge and skills; and, help set high goals for all students.

Take Action: Find out what the Common Core State Standards are for each grade level in the Parents Guide to School Success on our website

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