Student Learning

Every child is unique and learns in different ways. Knowing more about how a student processes information supports learning activities at home and at school.

Decades of research identify the primary learning styles of students as:

Visual Learners – Gather and remember information by looking, reading and watching

Linguistic/Auditory Learners – Learn well by listening, talking and discussing ideas

Bodily-Kinesthetic Learners – Learn by doing and gather meaning through touch, movement and physical interaction

Logical-Mathematical Learners – Learn best by analyzing, breaking down and arranging information logically

Global Processors or Learners – Absorb information by clustering it into wholes and focusing on the big idea underpinning the details

While most children have a preferred learning style, all have a mix of styles. For this reason, teachers often use a multi-sensory approach in class.

When learning to read, for instance, a student who might not learn words or letters by looking at them (Visual Learning) will be encouraged to trace letter shapes with their finger (Bodily-Kinesthetic Learning).

Since schoolwork is largely based on reading, non-visual learners need to rely on other approaches and methods of teaching.

If your child learns best by hearing, touching or other senses and is having difficulty in class, ask the teacher and school how to best accommodate your child’s needs. Provide family learning experiences such as hands-on museums, theater or dance classes, or listening to audio books to enhance learning.

Take Action: Get parenting tips on learning styles by visiting the Family Education website

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