Search Results for: diversity+inclusion

Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion

Outreach is a commitment to create an inviting climate, to form respectful relationships and to share important information about PTA with all community members. Outreach includes efforts that focus on enlisting the participation of all parents, students, and community members in the educational process, and establishing collaborative relationships focused on positive impacts by:

  • Using languages represented within your community at your meetings and in your communications.
  • Working to build representative leadership and voice within your PTA of all community groups. The makeup of your board members should reflect the makeup of your school community.
  • Understanding that everyone has value.
  • Assessing your outreach success regularly. Are there new board members and new members at your meetings that represent all parts of your community?
  • Including students, teachers, community and extended family members.

Inclusion is a commitment to involve the entire school community in planning, as well as enjoying, PTA programs and activities. Bringing in many different views is the key to building a robust and meaningful PTA in your community. Members come with their own views, experiences, cultural heritage and traditions, skills and abilities, values and preferences. California’s public schools are a rich weave of these diverse threads, and their PTAs must be as well. Discrimination or prejudice, even behind closed doors, cannot be tolerated.

To be inclusive:

  • Recognize that involvement of diverse populations enriches PTA activities and enhances the wellbeing of all children and youth.
  • Listen to all voices so that your PTA can be an effective voice for ALL children.
  • Celebrate diversity. Break down barriers that discourage people or minimize their involvement.
  • Include in your active membership a representation of all ethnic, cultural, religious, economic and social groups in the community.
  • Ask: Are there large underrepresented groups of California’s population missing from your PTA’s active membership? Is there enough representation from all groups to give an understanding needed to be advocates for all children? Does your PTA seek a diverse membership?

Racism is a Public Health Crisis

It is the mission of the California State PTA to positively impact the lives of all children and families. That mission means that diversity, equity and inclusion are the work of every PTA leader and member.

As an organization, California State PTA is thus compelled to confront and address the

lasting generational effects of systemic  and structural racism.  It is at the root of many of our systems and institutions that have never been equitable for all. Historically, structural racism has impacted services and care across all institutions within our society. Structural racism is embedded into our educational, health care, political and our health department systems and has minoritized specific groups, including Black/African-Americans, Indigenous, Latine, Asian American, Pacific Islander, and other people of color. It has, in effect, put these groups of people into a subordinate status in our society that is contradictory to our organization’s mission.

Racial Discrimination Persists in California

Racism, including unconscious and conscious bias, causes racial discrimination that persists across the many institutions that should equitably serve all children and families in California. These include:

  • Civic activities such as criminal justice and voting rights.
  • Services that affect socioeconomic status, such as housing, education, transportation and employment.
  • Health-related systems such as public safety, environmental exposure, and access to food, mental health support, and health services generally.

Anti-Black racism dehumanizes and marginalizes Black/African-American people and also affects other communities of color by privileging those with lighter skin. Racism also intersects with other forms of prejudice and oppression to increase adverse outcomes, including discrimination based on immigration status, gender and sexual orientation, and mental and physical abilities.

The Health Impacts of Racism are Well Documented

As of September 2021, over 200 cities and counties, as well as at least 5 states, have declared racism a public health crisis. In addition, several US government agencies have made similar declarations, including:

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • American Public Health Association (APHA)

As of April 2023, the state of California has yet to join this list, though it is widely documented that, throughout California, Black/African Americans and other racial groups disproportionately experience chronic disease, shorter life expectancy, maternal and infant mortality, and other health inequities.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Black infants are nearly three times more likely to die during their first year of life and nearly 50 percent more likely to be born prematurely than non-hispanic white infants.  National data further show that Black birthing people are over three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white birthing people.[1]

Moreover, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have suffered from disproportionately high rates of COVID-19 infection and death. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated racial and social inequities by disproportionately impacting the Latinx community in particular as well as other communities of color.

Harms Extend into Other Aspects of Children’s Lives

San Diego County serves as an excellent example of these disparities.  A California Department of Health analysis reveals that Black/African-American children in San Diego County are three times more likely to be suspended from school compared to their white peers. According to the California Dashboard in the state of California, 7.9% of African American students get suspended in public schools. This is at a five percent higher rate than their white counterparts.

A 2021 Policy Brief from the Public Policy Institute of California notes that Black Californians are three times more likely to be seriously injured, shot, or killed by police (comprising 18% of these incidents) relative to their share of the population (6%). Latinos are also overrepresented among police encounters that result in serious injuries or fatalities.

According to a report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, Black/African-American transgender people live in extreme poverty, with 34 percent reporting a household income of less than $10,000 per year. More than twice the rate for transgender people of all races (15 percent), four times the general Black population rate (9 percent), and eight times the general U.S. population rate (4 percent).

PTA Champions the Needs of All Children and Families

Founded in 1897, the National Congress of Mothers, which later became the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, or National PTA, first met as a call to action regarding those who had even fewer rights and representation at the time than women, that was children. Merging in 1970 with the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (NCCPT) to function in states that legally mandated segregation, PTA has continued in its 125 plus years to be a champion for ALL children and families.

There is ample data to support California State PTA’s belief that we must remedy historic health, social, economic, and criminal justice disparities that are still present in our state.  California State PTA supports advocacy and legislation that would:

  • Work to end racism; challenging historical and contemporary power structures
  • Address issues of racism and actively and authentically engaging with communities of color within our state
  • Share and shift power and agency to intersectional strata of BIPOC/SES class, particularly as part of “authentic engagement”[2]
  • Assure the teaching of accurate history in schools
  • Build health equity efforts
  • Support the affirmation and inclusion of marginalized populations and practices
  • Support policies to increase delivery of high-quality, culturally competent health care services to areas with disproportionately high rates of chronic diseases and;
  • Support efforts to gather and distribute data necessary to inform decisions and actions to reduce mortality and morbidity resulting from structural racism.

[1]  The term includes those who identify as non-binary or transgender because not all who give birth identify as ‘women’ or ‘girls’. This terminology is in no way meant to erase or dehumanize women.

[2] Black, Indigenous, People of Color/ Socioeconomic Status




Executive Board Meetings

PTA executive board meetings are held each month during the school year. They provide an opportunity for officers and chairpersons to share ideas, provide updates and oversee the management of a PTA.

The meetings are also a unique forum for board members to carry out their collective responsibility to:

  • Monitor financial and membership reports
  • Authorize the payment of bills within the limits of the unit’s budget
  • Approve Minutes from the previous meeting
  • Create committees as needed
  • Fill vacancies on the board during the term
  • Ensure that adopted budgets and required reports are sent to the council, if in council, and district PTA
  • Ensure that tax and government filings are submitted each year by the due dates

Developing goals and plans for PTA programs and events that meet the interests and needs of a school community are some additional activities that take place at board meetings.

Successful Board Members

Successful board members are team players who value cooperation, collaboration and communication. They are most effective when they:

  • Operate with integrity, civility and trust
  • Communicate a common vision
  • Practice inclusion and welcome diversity
  • Appreciate differences in work styles and perspectives
  • Participate in training and mentoring
  • Identify community needs and interests
  • Maintain the confidentiality of board discussions

By working together as a team, a PTA board can make a difference on campus and in a community.

More information on the roles and duties of the executive board is available in the “Guide to Executive Leadership” under “Planning and Organizing” in this chapter of the Toolkit.

PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships

When families, schools and communities work effectively together as partners, family engagement is a powerful strategy that boosts student achievement and better prepares our children to lead healthy, happy and productive lives.

That’s the thinking behind PTA’s National Standards for Family-School Partnerships. As research-based family engagement standards, they provide a framework to build stronger connections between home and school.

The six Standards, which focus on what parents, schools and communities can do together to support student success, are:

  1. Welcoming All Families into the School Community
    Families are active participants in the life of the school and feel welcomed, valued and connected to each other, to school staff and to what students are learning and doing in class 

    Getting Started: Focus on how to break down barriers at your school. Put in place a Welcoming Committee and bilingual greeters and interpreters for meetings. Hold PTA meetings in community locations such as a local library or community center.

  1. Communicating Effectively
    Families and school staff engage in regular, two-way, meaningful communication and learning 

    Getting Started: Set up ways for families and school staff to connect better using multiple formats for communication. Organize social gatherings such as a school BBQ for everyone to get to know each other better.

  1. Supporting Student Success
    Families and school staff continuously collaborate to support students’ learning and healthy development, both at home and at school, and have regular opportunities to strengthen their knowledge and skills to do so 

    Getting Started: Offer opportunities for parents to learn more on how to support student learning at home. Identify what parents need to know with a survey and hold Parent Education Nights on topics reflecting their interests. Provide tip sheets on parent-teacher conferences, homework help and how to handle the tough issues in raising children and teens today.

  1. Speaking Up for Every Child
    Families are empowered to be advocates for their own and other children to ensure that students are treated fairly and have access to learning opportunities that will support their success 

    Getting Started: Publicize your school’s family engagement policy and get parent and student feedback to update the policy. Hold Parent Information Nights on how to be an effective advocate, how to identify and support learning styles and ways to foster student achievement.

  1. Sharing Power
    Families and school staff are equal partners in decisions that affect children and families and together inform, influence, and create policies, practices and programs 

    Getting Started: Build a culture of inclusion to engage parents in school decision-making that supports student success. Ensure that your PTA membership and leadership reflects your school community with parents of all neighborhoods to promote access and diversity.

  1. Collaborating With the Community
    Families and school staff collaborate with community members to connect students, families and staff to expanded learning opportunities, community services and civic participation 

    Getting Started: Partner with community and business leaders to provide resources and support the cultural, recreational, academic, health, social and other needs of families at your school. Welcome community members such as alumni and retired neighbors as volunteers for school activities and events.

Take Action: Download the PTA National Standards for Family-School Partnerships Guide Assessment Guide, in English or Spanish, on our website:

Table of Contents

Membership Basics

Develop a Marketing Plan
Membership Theme
Membership Calendar and Budget
Implementing a Membership Marketing Plan
Membership Envelopes
Membership Dues
Membership Cards
Member Contact Information and Membership List
Student Membership
Administrators/Teachers/Staff Memberships
Family Memberships
Charter Memberships

Membership Marketing Tools

Student Involvement Committee
Students Membership Rights and Responsibilities
Financial Procedures for Student Leaders
Revising Bylaws to Change to a PTSA

School Desegregation/Integration

Adopted March 1978 – Reviewed and deemed relevant May 2020– Education Commission

California State PTA is committed to integrated public schools offering quality education† for all children and youth, and believes:

  • Equal educational opportunities should be provided for all students;
  • School districts have the responsibility for providing an integrated education for all students;
  • Multicultural understanding should be an integral part of the education of all students;
  • A desegregated/integrated school must provide opportunity for the development of attitudes and behavior based on the value of the individual;
  • A desegregated/integrated school must encourage all students to be fully involved in school activities and to develop to their fullest potential;
  • Teachers and other staff members should be trained to understand the needs of all children and youth, as well as the cultural, racial, ethnic, and economic diversity found in California’s society;
  • The entire school staff must work consistently to create a school climate of respect for the differences as well as the similarities of all students;
  • Support and direction for the development, implementation and evaluation of desegregation/integration programs require the combined efforts of parents, students, the school system, and the entire community;
  • PTA must serve as a unifying force for integration by involving the parents of all students in its activities†† and encouraging parent participation in school-sponsored activities; special efforts should be made to include parents residing outside the immediate school community.

See related position statement: Basic Education.
†† Refer to Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion.

Interpersonal Relations

Adopted November 1968 – Revised February 2018 – Health & Community Concerns Commission

California State PTA believes that good interpersonal relations are an important force in solving and preventing problems in communities. A high value must be placed on positive, interpersonal communication in which each person is treated with respect and appreciation, regardless of individual differences.

Interpersonal behaviors should reflect and support respect, courtesy/civility, appreciation, empathy, trust, inclusion and consultation without regard to differences in race, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, age, physical and academic ability, sexual orientation, or immigration status.

The United States is a product of immigration and the cultural pluralism of its people. It consists of a multitude of diverse ethnic, racial and religious groups that share in common American citizenship, a democratic way of life, and values that stress the worth and dignity of the individual.

California State PTA welcomes diversity. Diversity provides an opportunity for teaching, developing and promoting multicultural competencies and understanding. Racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religious, and other individual or group differences should not be regarded as hindrances to success. Instead they should be treated as positive opportunities for improving the quality of life.

The home and school are two of the strongest influences in shaping attitudes of children. All schools must be deeply involved with positive human relations in the education of the child, however, this is not the job of the school alone. All interacting forces in the community must work together, so that each member of society has equal access to opportunities to develop to their full potential.

Interpersonal relations impact the future of family and community well-being. Success of individuals, families, and communities depends on the type of interpersonal relations that are developed. It is essential for PTA at every level to commit efforts toward building communities that support positive interpersonal relations in the healthy development of all children.

†See related position statement: Character Education.

Education: The High School Years Ages 14 to 18

Adopted April 1991 – Reviewed and deemed relevant April 2022 – Education Commission

California State PTA believes the future of our country depends upon how well we educate our students. We must ensure that all students, English and non-English speaking, have equal access to academically rigorous instructional programs that foster the ability to think critically and solve problems. Students should leave high school with a body of knowledge that opens the door to continued education, the world of work and lifelong learning. We must prevent students from dropping out of school. High schools must offer the most comprehensive and diversified education possible.

California State PTA believes family engagement should not end when the student enters high school. It is vital that parents must continue to take an active role in helping their child succeed.

Therefore, California State PTA supports a strong family engagement component with school practices that are designed to:

  • Welcome and empower parents, to work collaboratively with students, teachers and administrators to make decisions and to share in setting the goals and direction of the school, thus promoting improved curriculum, better teaching and high student achievement;
  • Assist parents, teachers and administrators in communicating and becoming aware of one another’s roles regarding student achievement; and
  • Provide multiple opportunities for parents and students to access the resources on graduation requirements, college entrance requirements and career opportunities.
  • The capability to build a student’s sense of belonging is a fundamental step in shaping a high school. A sense of belonging can help to instill values and improve learning. Certain components are essential to effective high school education programs.

These include but are not limited to:

  • A belief by teachers, administrators and counselors that every student has the ability to learn and will be encouraged to achieve his or her highest potential;
  • Student access to high quality standard based core curriculum, advanced level courses and the arts;
  • A high quality, diverse instructional program whose delivery allows students to make connections between classroom learning and its application to real life situations;
  • Teachers who use relevant innovative instructional strategies that engage students in active learning that prepares them with the knowledge and life skills they need to be productive, contributing adults;
  • Counseling and guidance assistance to help students make informed decisions that meet their individual needs;
  • A setting that allows for alternatives to the traditional school;
  • Effective high school suspension and dropout prevention and intervention programs to provide:
    – Collaboration with community agencies;
    – Community service and effective co-curricular activities;
    – School-business partnerships and internships;
    – Classes in life skills to prepare students for parenthood, for decision-making, and recognizing the consequences of choices;
  • Diversity and inclusion awareness integrated into the curriculum;
  • Opportunities for all students to have access throughout the curriculum to the study of technology, its applications, and the use of technology as a tool;
  • Opportunities for career technical education to serve the needs of all students†;
  • School opportunities for students to participate in community service;
  • Quality co-curricular and extra curricular activities and programs, such as but not limited to athletics, visual, performing arts or leadership training.

†See related position statement: School-to-Career Technical Education.

Family Engagement Committee

Providing ways for parents to better support the growth, development and learning of their children and teenagers is the core purpose and value of PTA.

Setting up a Family Engagement Committee for your PTA ensures inclusion and gives parents ready access to the information, skills and training they need to support student success.

To build family engagement on campus, a good first step is to develop a year-long Action Plan. That way, you can organize, implement and assess your outreach efforts, programs and activities for family engagement more effectively.

5 Steps for an Action Plan:

  • Survey parents, staff and students to identify the needs and priorities of the school community
  • Create a family engagement team with parents, teachers, students, administrators and community partners to work together to support student success
  • Design a family engagement Action Plan to reach and engage all families in the school community
  • Present the programs budget for the Action Plan to the PTA board and association for approval
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the Action Plan, using a year-end survey or an evaluation sheet filled out at each event/activity

As part of your Action Plan, offer Parent Education Nights on a variety of subjects including:

To Boost Parenting Skills – Focus on topics such as child development, health and wellness, multiculturalism and diversity, bullying and gangs, substance abuse, the arts, family life/sex education, social media, cyber safety and the other tough issues facing parents raising children and teenagers today.

To Boost Student Achievement – Focus on topics such as school policies, homework help, curriculum, reading, writing, math, STEAM, standardized testing, school safety, campus climate, student engagement and school improvement.

To expand your outreach efforts, follow up by using your PTA newsletter, website and social media postings to provide more information and resources on these topics.

Take Action: To learn more, check out the Job Description for the Family Engagement Chairman in the California State PTA Toolkit.

Communicating with Confidence – PTA Publications

PTA Publication Types

PTAs are encouraged to communicate with PTA members and the school community. Each unit must determine what will best meet the needs of its members and community, and what will fit within its budget. Options include:

  • print publications such as newsletters and fliers
  • emails
  • e-publications such as electronic newsletters
  • websites
  • social media
  • banners and posters
  • text messages

Plan PTA Communications

Plan PTA communications that inform the community about PTA activities and school functions.

Identify the Target Audience. It is important to clarify who you want to reach. Is your publication written for parents? for students? for teachers?

Choose the Right Tool. Decide how best to communicate with your audience. Consider using multiple tools to carry the message.

Prepare the Right Message. Review and refine each article to clearly and concisely convey the message.

Use the PTA Style Guide. Refer to the California State PTA Style Guide for grammar specific to PTA, helpful punctuation, writing reminders and correct use of the PTA logo.

Incorporate the PTA Logo into all PTA communications. An organization’s logo catches the reader’s eye and makes an instant, familiar connection. This PTA logo can be downloaded and customized for use by units, councils and district PTAs.

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Guidelines for PTA Publications

Adhere to PTA noncommercial, nonpartisan and nonsectarian policies.

Communications must be cleared with the PTA president and school principal before printing, publishing or posting. The principal is responsible for the accuracy of school information and compliance with the State Education Code and school district policy. The PTA president is responsible for the accuracy of PTA information and compliance with PTA policies. (Article VI, Section 1i, Bylaws for Local PTA/PTSA Units).

Publication best practices:

  • Create a visual identity. PTA publications should be consistent in appearance and easily identifiable.
  • Date all publications.
  • The name of the unit, council, district and state PTA should be on each publication.
  • Publications should list PTA contact information—units should use school address; council and district PTA should use office or mailing address.
  • Include references to other PTA resources such as council and district PTA, California State PTA and National PTA publications, websites and social media sites.
  • Develop a plan to reach all members.

In PTA publications, publish only a summary of actions taken from PTA association meeting minutes. Do not publish, without written permission, photos or personal information about students or adults. Use of photographs or videos of children requires a Photography Release form, available in English and Spanish.

Advertising and Sponsorships

PTAs may be approached by commercial businesses or individuals seeking a presence in their publications. All advertising should be screened to ensure it meets PTA’s high standards and legal obligations.

The California State PTA strongly recommends finding sponsors rather than accepting advertising. See Sponsorship vs. Endorsement. Thank funders and sponsors. One sentence should do it! To preserve the PTA’s tax-free income generated from a sponsorship, the acknowledgement thanking the organization must not actually promote the sponsor, its product or services. Become familiar with the noncommercial policy.

  • The Sunshine PTA expresses grateful appreciation to the following merchants for making this publication possible:
  • The Sunshine PTA expresses thanks to Neighborhood Bank for the use of its parking lot for the car wash.
  • Sunshine PTA thanks Romano Pizza for the generous offer to donate 10 percent of all sales made on Saturday.

Mailed publications should meet the guidelines of the US Postal Service. Learn more about nonprofit mail content eligibility.

For any publication containing advertising, use the following disclaimer:

The mention of any business or service in this publication does not imply an endorsement by the PTA.

Copyright Laws

PTA must abide by federal copyright laws governing printed matter, poetry, art, music and computer software. Republish articles, art, photographs etc. abiding by all laws and in an ethical manner.

For complete copyright information, go to

California State PTA articles and artwork may be used by unit, council and district PTAs without permission. Read National PTA materials carefully to determine when permission to republish is required. Always credit the source.

  • It is most important that anything copyrighted, including original artwork, not be reproduced on an item to be sold or to advertise an event. Permission must be secured to avoid litigation. The artist or the syndicating company will generally require a royalty on each item sold and a specific number of complimentary copies of the item.

When showing movies during school or at after-school events or fundraisers, PTAs must observe movie/video copyright laws, site licensing, and promote the event only as permitted by the site license.

Best practices for Improving Content

  • Ask for feedback. Use an opinion poll, a questionnaire, or interactive questions on social media.
  • Publicize: coming events, the results of past events, membership campaigns, and PTA award recipients.
  • Remember, people don’t read, they skim. Use bullets, quotes, charts and graphics.
  • Proofread everything. Have two to three people proofread before anything is distributed.

Translating Materials

PTAs should work closely with the school to meet the language needs of those who receive association publications. To translate information and materials, seek help from:

  • bilingual parents on the executive board;
  • teachers or support personnel in the classrooms or the school district; or
  • foreign language departments at local high schools, community colleges and universities.

Consider providing translated content in one of the following ways:

  • Present side-by-side translations of articles on each page, or
  • Print or post a separate issue.
  • Offer all information in English with short recaps of major information in languages needed in the school community.
  • Have a bilingual point person to contact or a Web page with information available in each target language.
  • Develop audio or videotapes of recorded newsletters, notices and parenting tips in different languages and post on your website.
  • Learn how to reach out to members in your community whose native language is not English.

The California State PTA offers Outreach Translation Grants to unit, council and district PTAs for written or verbal translation of PTA materials into other languages

Publication Preparation

Efficient and timely distribution is crucial to the publication process.

  • Set a publication schedule at the beginning of the school year and share with contributors.
  • Send publication article reminders as the due date approaches.
  • Ask board members to contribute articles and reports about their projects and events.
  • Advise contributors that material will be edited for space and form (grammar, punctuation, spelling and accuracy of information) for all publications.
  • Remember to allow time for review of the publication and approval by the PTA president and school principal before distributing.
  • Include the cost of materials, supplies, copying, software, service provider subscriptions and equipment in the association budget.

Publication Distribution

Send copies of unit PTA publications to council and district PTA presidents. Share your publications with the California State PTA by mailing to the state PTA office or emailing If the publication is in print form, leave several copies in the school office.

Use your publications as a PTA marketing tool. Distribute them to school district superintendents and trustees, businesses, chambers of commerce, service groups, city offices, police departments, libraries, recreation departments, after-school day-care centers, preschools, media outlets, county supervisors, junior colleges, and local state legislators.

Electronic Communications


A website is a useful tool for promoting and providing resources. It is usually the first point of contact for persons interested in finding out more about your PTA.

  • Plan the design and content of the website strategically. Simplicity is the key to user-friendly design.
  • Budget for website development and maintenance. Websites may be hosted by the county office of education, the school district, or by a service provider paid for by the PTA.
  • Do not post PTA bylaws, minutes and financial reports on the website except in summary form.
  • Update your website content regularly. Forward approved copy to the website manager with requested posting dates and removal dates.
  • Link to information on the California State PTA, National PTA websites, council and district websites.
  • Permission should be obtained prior to posting any name, photograph, or contact information on a website. Observe copyright laws. Use a Photography Release form, available in English and Spanish.

PTA Email Accounts

Create PTA position-specific email addresses, e.g., called email aliases. The email alias does not change from year to year but is passed on to the position successor. Email alias addresses are set up to automatically forward email to the personal email accounts of board members. Update email aliases, forwarding addresses and passwords at the beginning of each term.

Email Distribution Lists

Email distribution lists are a cost-effective and efficient way to share information with committees, board members and the membership. Some service providers allow a user to set up a group distribution list at no charge. Blind-copy recipients to avoid publicizing members’ personal email addresses. Abide by the email limitations of personal email service providers to avoid triggering spam filters.

Provide an unsubscribe option. Honor all requests to unsubscribe.


An e-newsletter is a time- and cost-effective way to share information with a large number of people. Typically it is an informational update sent via email to members of an electronic distribution list.

Use an online marketing company to send e-newsletters. Such companies offer excellent e-newsletter templates and allow your PTA to create distribution lists that are not limited by personal email restrictions.

Graphic elements are blocked for some email recipients. Use a text-only format or send an email that includes the hyperlink to a newsletter posted on the PTA website

Convert your newsletter to Portable Document Format (PDF) before emailing to ensure that all recipients can open the document. Include a link to the Adobe PDF Reader website so members can download the PDF reader free of charge.

Keep the e-newsletter brief. Provide short summaries for each topic, adding links to additional information available on the unit’s website.

For template and design ideas, refer to the California State PTA e-newsletters.

Social Media

Guidelines for social media remain the same as for every PTA publication.

  • Maintain PTA’s high standards of respect and courtesy.
  • Observe the PTA’s nonpartisan, noncommercial, nonsectarian policies, “do no harm” to an individual or an organization, and be knowledgeable about PTA positions.
  • PTA social media site administrators should be appointed to review the site posts and messaging daily, if not more frequently.
  • Follow the guidelines established by each social media site. Use the Photography Release form available in English and Spanish when publishing photographs.
  • Be cautious with censorship. Social media sites encourage members and partners to share insights freely. Remove postings or comments to your social media pages or accounts only when they violate PTA social media standards of respect and courtesy, or violate our nonpartisan, noncommercial, or nonsectarian policies. Refer to National PTA Social Media Tipsheets.

Print Communications


Fliers are a good way to publicize upcoming events.

Fliers should:

  • Have limited text and plenty of “white space” so that the information stands out.
  • Provide the who, what, when, where and why.
  • Use graphics and fonts sparingly.
  • Use the PTA logo.

Use the customizable membership marketing flier to tell prospective members about your PTA.