School Bonds and Other Ballot Measure Campaigns

PTAs may be asked to help secure the passage of a local school district facilities bond or local parcel tax election, or to participate in campaigns to pass or defeat other ballot measures. Unit, council and district PTAs may participate in these efforts when the board and/or membership has studied the issue and voted to support such a campaign.

PTAs can be most effective by:

  • Participating on the school district committee to recommend to the board of education the feasibility of placing a facilities bond or parcel tax on the local ballot, and what provisions the measure should include.
  • Taking an active role in planning and running the campaign.
  • Providing speakers to inform the community.
  • Developing and/or distributing available campaign material – but not by using student help, unless permitted by the school district (California State PTA Legislation Policies and Procedure No. 11).
  • Making use of radio, TV, and print media, including newsletters, editorial board visits, letters to the editor, and other communication resources such as PTA email and Web pages.
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