
To create successful activities and manage the business needs of a PTA is a collaborative effort. And, much of the work involved takes place at unit meetings.

During the PTA term, board members participate in three types of meetings:

Executive Board Meetings:

  • Attended by officers, chairpersons of standing committees, the teacher representative and principal or a representative as outlined in a unit’s Bylaws
  • Tasked with overseeing and managing PTA business between association meetings
  • Scheduled monthly and at least two weeks prior to each association meeting
  • Chaired and run by the president

Association Meetings:

  • Attended by a unit’s members, executive board members and guests
  • Tasked with approving a unit’s programs, events and expenditures
  • Scheduled several times a year on meeting dates identified in a unit’s Bylaws
  • Chaired and run by the president

Committee Meetings:

  • Attended by committee members who are appointed by the president
  • Tasked with planning, promoting and implementing PTA activities
  • Scheduled as needed
  • Chaired and run by a committee chairperson

In this section, you will find tips, tools and strategies designed to empower both new and experienced PTA leaders to engage in and manage PTA meetings more effectively.

Executive Board Meetings

Association Meetings
Program Planning
Announcements and Materials
Conducting PTA Meetings
Parliamentary Procedure
Eight Steps to Making a Motion
The Agenda and Meeting Notice

Attending Convention and Conferences
State Convention
National Convention
Outside Conferences

Sample Agenda and Meeting Planner

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