
“The necessity for securing adequate legislation was apparent from the start.” While studying how best to raise their own children, the association’s founders discovered that other children had serious unmet needs. They saw sickly children, insufficiently clad children, hungry children. And something had to be done about it. (Excerpted from History of the California Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., 1900-1944, M.H. Strong, Editor.)

Decisions that affect our children, youth, and families are made every day by local, state, and national policymakers. In a democratic society, every citizen has the right and the responsibility to participate in shaping those decisions. These advocacy tools have been developed to assist you in your efforts to influence policymakers at the local, state, and national levels.

As the oldest and largest advocacy organization in California, PTA is uniquely qualified to influence policymakers. By working collaboratively on issues, PTAs in California and throughout the nation can form a powerful force in securing adequate laws and public policy that are best for the care and protection of children and youth.