Although the treasurer is responsible for filing all required tax forms or making arrangements for the filings to be completed by a professional, it is the executive board’s responsibility to ensure that all forms are filed by the due date. The financial reviewer shall verify that all required tax forms have been filed and copies are kept in the treasurer’s records.
Pursuant to IRS rules, every board member is responsible for completing the Conflict of Interest/Whistleblower Annual Questionnaire each year. The treasurer or secretary must retain the signed Conflict of Interest Form for a minimum of 3 years.
Consider hiring an outside professional well-versed in nonprofit tax requirements to complete the PTA tax forms. Tax filings are complex even for many professionals. No volunteer should feel stressed doing them or embarrassed not to do them. The objective is to have them done properly and on time.
Always keep a copy of signed tax forms for the PTA’s records and note the date that the forms were mailed or submitted.
When a PTA is disbanded, federal and state regulations require that final tax filings be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the change in status. The district PTA is responsible for ensuring all final tax filings are completed and for dissolving the disbanded PTA with the Attorney General’s Registry of Charitable Trusts.
Do not forget to sign, date and mail the tax return if it is not filed electronically. Tax forms may be signed by any elected officer.