Environmental Protection

Revised January 2007 – Health

Natural resources are being depleted and destroyed at an alarming rate. The world’s population is increasing. The delicate balance of our world’s ecosystems is upset and, in many areas, this imbalance has become a threat to our health and survival.

Role of the PTAClick to show

Inform members that threats to the environment adversely impact the quality of our lives and health and endanger future generations.

Advocate the inclusion of environmental education in school curriculum.

Help members learn how to support a sustainable environment that will be safe and healthy for present and future generations.

Review California State PTA Position Statement, Environmental Protection (Where We Stand: Position Statements). See Environmental Protection in Advocacy Topic Index for related resolutions or guidelines.

See also National PTA convention resolutions on Environmental Quality.

Encourage the school and PTA to use biodegradable products whenever possible.

Present at least one environmental or energy education program during the year.

Have PTA members participate in meetings and hearings of local governmental agencies on environmental matters. Report to the unit on such matters as zoning, planning, greenbelts, open space, coastline protection, air pollution, noise, highways, and water quality.

Work with the school to conduct energy audits; study ways to conserve resources, such as gas and electricity, while saving the school money.

Help to identify ways to conserve resources through the reduction of waste, reuse, and recycling of materials.

Learn the effects of energy shortages on schools, and cooperate in conservation efforts.

Develop a project dealing with some form of environmental improvement or conservation of natural resources.

Sponsor or support student environmental improvement or conservation projects such as recycling, ecology clubs, nature trails, field trips, junior museums, outdoor education programs, and the wildflower poppy preserve.

Arrange a tour of a public facility, laboratory or industrial site in the local community to learn what is being done to alleviate environmental problems.

Participate in observances of Earth Day, Arbor Day, Conservation Week, or other related events.

Additional ResourcesClick to show

California Department of Education, Environmental/Energy Education

California Environmental Protection Agency (www.calepa.ca.gov/Education/EEI/default.html)

California State Parks Foundation, Oakland, CA

National Park Service (www.nps.gov)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC