Committees are formed to plan, promote, and implement the activities of the PTA. The quorum for a committee is a simple majority of the members serving on that committee. A standing committee is established to perform a continuing function and remains in existence permanently for the life of the assembly that established it. A special committee should have a definite purpose and is subject to the directives of the membership. It remains in existence until the duty assigned to it is accomplished, unless discharged sooner, and it ceases to exist as soon as the association receives its final report.
All unit, council, and district PTAs are required to elect a nominating committee (Nominations and Elections).
Committee Creation
PTAs are encouraged to explore areas of local concern not listed in these guidelines, as long as these concerns fall within the scope of PTA activities. PTAs should share their successful programs and ideas for new committees with their councils and districts, so that other units with similar concerns may benefit from these successful experiences.
special committee: may be appointed by the president or elected by the association for a specific purpose. It ceases to exist when its final report is submitted.
The number of committees needed to carry on the work of the unit will depend upon the size of the membership and the program and activities (goals) for the year (Goal Setting) and may include:
Community Concerns
Disaster Preparedness/Crisis Response
Family Engagement
Financial Committee
Financial Review
Founders Day
Graduation/Prom Night
Honorary Service Award
Public Relations
Publications Coordinator
Reflections Program
Room Representative Coordinator
Student Involvement
Volunteer Coordinator
Others as needed
The responsibilities and goals of the committee must be clearly defined. The committee members should know if funds have been allocated for the committee’s use and what records or resources are available to them. A timeline must be established for scheduled meetings, the completion of specific tasks, and the presentation of the final report to the president and executive board.
Committee members must understand that:
- Committees do not function as separate groups but are part of the association and must operate within the framework of PTA bylaws, policies, and procedures;
- Committees make recommendations, not decisions;
- All projects and activities must have the approval of the executive board and the association in advance; and
- All money raised or derived from the activities of a committee is deposited in the unit treasury and shall not be expended by any chairman or committee without the approval of the executive board and association.